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Rodger alarm worked for my son

August 14, 2009 2 min read

TD recently wrote to us and I want to share her letter with you. Her son's progress was quite remarkable and much quicker than most. The thing that is always amazing to me is the fact that without starting treatment with the bedwetting alarm, her son would most likely still be wetting every night.

"I can't thank you enough! Your product not only worked but, was effective in four days! After working with my son for a year, I finally found your website and read the parent reviews. I thought let's give it a try! We bought your Rodger Wireless Bedwetting System, which is very kid friendly. We called it his happy little helper!

The first night he wet his bed like usual although, change was already in motion. That night he woke up with the alarm, pushed the quick off button, went to the potty, and easily changed the transmitter to the second dry pair of underwear. The second night we began to see progress. The alarm went off and he only had a little bit of wetness in his underwear. I couldn't believe he was already connecting that he needed to stop wetting! On night number three, the alarm went off and there was barely a drop in the underwear. Wow! This just shows how accurate and sensitive this product truly is! On the fourth night: VICTORY! I couldn't believe it. The next morning, HE WOKE UP DRY! This was the first time in a year that this had happened.

The more amazing fact is that it has now been a full month since that first night and he has still not wet the bed (not even once)! He even had a sleepover for the first time ever! I had to write you this letter so that perhaps you could share my story with other parents going through this. I know it was the parents that wrote on your website that prompted me to purchase the system. I'm a teacher and on a tight budget but your product was worth every penny! It probably saved us money in washing, disposables, and bedding! So, I give you my sincerest thanks for helping my family!"

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