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New!! Dual Alarms for Child and Parents Rooms

June 23, 2010 2 min read

My son is a very sound sleeper and I'm afraid that he won't hear any alarm on his own. I've read enough to know that I'll have to help him, especially in the beginning. My concern is that I won't be able to hear his bedwetting alarm. His room is at the other end of the house. What alarm is the best choice for my situation? Maken Wireless Alarm

You're not alone with this situation. Other parents also report that they sleep soundly, with their door closed or a distance from their child.

We're happy to have a NEW solution. The Malem Wireless Alarm System is now available with two receivers, one for your son's room and one for your room. Once the sensor, which is fastened to his underwear, detects moisture, it transmits wirelessly to both receivers (up to 50 feet). Both are programmed to receive the same frequency. You can turn your receiver off while getting out of bed to make sure your son is waking up and walking to the bathroom. It is important that one of the receivers be in your son's room. He has to begin to make the association that the sound happens when his bladder is full and he needs to get up to use the bathroom. This is sometimes a subconscious response.

Once he no longer needs your help, you can stop turning the second receiver on. It's important to turn the receivers off when you're not using them to preserve the battery life. Rodger Wireless AlarmThe Rodger wireless alarm can also be ordered with two receivers, one for the child's room and one for the parent's room. This alarm comes with two pair of specialized briefs, with built in moisture sensors. The two receivers use the same frequency so both sound at the same time and can transmit up to 50 feet. When the wetness is detected on the special underwear, both the parent and child are alerted. Other solutions are to use a baby monitor in your child's room or to temporarily have your son sleep closer to your room. As you begin to see his response to his bedwetting alarm, you can decide when to move him back to his own room.

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